In-house Train the Trainer Program (Johor)
For our in-house TTT program in Johor, the presentation assessment session was held on Thursday 11 July 2019.
Look at the relieved and happy faces after completing the presentation assessment session 😊 We encourage our participants to choose presentation topic that's job related to feel how it can be implemented immediately.
For participants in technical field, technical topics can also be interactive and fun. Be creative to improve dry subjects. Use teach back method to avoid lecturing all the time, turn complex diagrams into picture puzzles, use word puzzles to talk about terminology, give scenarios and share relevant stories to suppprt complicated definitions or concepts, and other ideas. Always challenge yourself to make your topic interesting and interactive. Good job everyone 💐💐💐
All the best in your future training 💖
#trainthetrainer #TTT #psmb #hrdf #training #presentationassessment